Monthly Archives: February 2013

Unspotted by Justin Fox

Quinton Martins is a patient man, if only when it comes to the Cape mountain leopard. In the harsh mountains of the Cederberg, he spends months in icy cold conditions tracking them, often with as little to go on as...

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Sanctuary by Christa Kuljian

Bishop Paul Verryn knew he had a problem when xenophobic violence erupted in South Africa in May 2008 and the threat of it spreading to Central Methodist Church in downtown Johannesburg became very real. Already there were over a thousand...

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Ride the Tortoise by Liesl Jobson

In this long-awaited collection, Liesl Jobson, internationally acclaimed for her mastery of the very short “flash fiction” form, turns to the longer form of the short story. In places, the author experiments with the narrative structure by crafting together snapshots...

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Ride the Tortoise