Killer Country by Mike Nicol

26 Jan 2010
Killer Country

It’s the end of a toxic summer in Cape Town. Obed Chocho, a businessman, property developer, arrivista, is about to get out of prison on parole. The man who put him away is Judge Telman Visser. The judge thinks he needs the security services of Mace Bishop and Pylon Buso but he’s playing a dangerous double bluff and they’re his marks. Enter Sheemina February with an agenda all her own. Top of her tick-list is Mace Bishop.

The second part of Mike Nicol’s Revenge Trilogy cracks open a world of conspiracies and paranoia, corruption and greed as the new elites get their hands on the spoils.

Date of Publication: 26 January 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4152-0116-9
Publisher: Umuzi
Reviews: “Fast moving and full of action, this is a great thriller” – Wordsworth Choice Vol 54, February 2010
