Apply for the Don and Gee Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting

23 Feb 2017
Apply for the Don and Gee Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting

Deadlines: 7 March – early bird entry deadline ($45 entry fee) | 10 April – regular entry deadline ($60 entry fee) | 1 May – late entry deadline ($85 late entry fee)
Prizes: Up to five $35,000 fellowships are awarded each year

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Don and Gee Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting are open for entries:

The competition is open to writers based anywhere in the world, regardless of citizenship. All entrants must be aged over 18. Entry scripts must be the original work of one writer, or of two writers who collaborated equally, and must be written originally in English. Translated scripts are not eligible.

The fellowships are intended for new and/or amateur screenwriters. In order to be eligible, an entrant’s total earnings for motion picture and television writing may not exceed US$25,000 before the end of the competition.

It is a requirement that all fellowship winners complete at least one new feature screenplay in the year of their fellowship (the Academy acquires no rights to the work and will not participate in its marketing or in any other aspects of its commercial future).

Fellowship details: Aerogramme Writers’ Studio
